These days feel absurdly unmoored. We keep saying, “This is a moment in history like never before.” It’s unnerving to be navigating such uncharted territory. And we often find ourselves wishing we had someone to show us the way. A thoughtful guide to help us find clarity and our own voice in the middle of so much noise.
- How do you guide someone?
- How do you look for someone to follow?
SVIVAH’s Shavuot HerTorah: “Show Me The Way”
Guiding Others on the Journey of Life in the Book of Ruth and Today
On Shavuot, we read the Book of Ruth – about someone who takes a huge leap in her life to follow someone who is supposed to be a role model. What does it mean to guide someone else’s life? These days there is so little that feels precedented, and even less that feels clear.
Join us for this new exploration of mentorship and relationships in the Book of Ruth that apply today. With Dr. Susie Tanchel, Shira Schiowitz, Naomi Oxman, MSW LICSW, Elizabeth Mandel, and Rabbanit Aliza Sperling.
Come when you can; stay till you can’t. But, come. It’s good to be together these days.
SVIVAH welcomes women* 12+ and learners of all backgrounds. As always, we define “Jewish women” as all those wishing to be included in a circle of Jewish women. If you want to be with us, we want you with us, and welcome. Questions? Email connect@svivah.org
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