SVIVAH, The Blue Dove Foundation, and The Gender Equity In Hiring Project are partnering to create a conversation that needs to be happening.
Join us for a collective conversation among us as women*. It is essential that we come together over the inequity of the impact of this pandemic on women*. We are all experiencing this global crisis in relative isolation, and we are sorely missing the communal processing of this experience— an element that is so important to our psyches.
We are joined by experts in the areas of women’s trauma and global inequity — voices that will validate and illuminate these new waters we find ourselves experiencing, while also examining the unique intersections of womanhood and trauma. We will also highlight the universal imbalance that women everywhere are individually experiencing — each in her unique way. We are grateful for the expertise of Dr. Betsy Stone, Rachel Hercman, LCSW, Rabbi Dr. Arielle Hanien, and Sarah Wildman.
Priya Parker’s pandemic mantra of “Together/Apart” takes on new meaning here. We are all experiencing the trauma of this moment in our own ways. But we are ALL experiencing its trauma.
How is this pandemic affecting you? How is it affecting us all?
It is essential that we come together over this. If this pandemic is going to “set women back for years”, we’d better start rallying around each other.
There are feelings of rage. There are feelings of hopelessness. There will also be a way through.
Come share. Come listen. Come say check in. As always, we can’t wait to be with you. https://www.svivah.org/happenings/womencovid
Join Zoom Meeting by registering here*:
*For the integrity of this gathering, we ask all participants to register in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing a link to join the meeting.
*As always, we welcome anyone who wants to be included in a circle of Jewish women*. If you want to be here, we want you to be here – and welcome.
Cost should never be a barrier to participation, but if you can help us show respect to our speakers/facilitators for their time and expertise, we would be so very grateful. www.svivah.org/donate
Questions about this gathering or about ZOOM? Email connect@svivah.org
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