Finding Light in the Dark: Chanukah HerTorah

December 16, 2024 Free

In this dark month. In these dark days. Can we find light in the dark? These wonderful educators will bring the Torah that is bringing them light. Others will give us tools, matches, to light sparks in the dark. Finding light is possible. And essential.

With Rabbi Lisa Goldstein, Rebecca Minkus-Lieberman, Liba Zweigbaum Herman, Batsheva Ganz LMHC, R’ Dalia Davis, R’ Aliza Sperling

We have asked our teachers to help us find light in this darkest month. Looking toward Chanukah, and inspired by the words we’ve been singing in the prayer-song “Acheinu” for months…. “u’mei’afelah l’orah”… from darkness into light — when it feels like an impossible task sometimes, these wonderful teachers will share the ways they are finding light in the dark. There is powerful Torah and Jewish wisdom for the dark.

And through art, through writing, through dance, through mindful meditation — we’re going to ask our teachers to offer us tools to find the sparks that will help us find the light. We need it so. This is essential to all of us.

Join us. We need your spark in the room. Come when you can, stay till you can’t. But, come. We have so much to learn from you.

Chanukah HerTorah: Finding Light in the Dark

Monday, December 16th @ 8:15-9:45pm ET

Please invite someone you think might want to be with us, too.

HerTorah gathers together a diverse community of Jewish women to connect over our shared heritage, explore our collective wisdom, and elevate our communal experience in learning with and from one another. We welcome women* 12+ and learners of all backgrounds.

*SVIVAH welcomes all those wishing to be included in a circle of Jewish women.

Grateful to offer this in partnership with Orot Center.

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Fact Sheet
Monday, December 16, 2024, 8:15 pm - 9:45 pm
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