Keeping America and Israel Secure

AIPAC works with Congress to ensure Israel is able to defend itself. The Jewish state needs critical security assistance to defend against increased threats posed by terrorist groups and those sworn to its destruction.

Educating a Nation about Iran

For more than 20 years, AIPAC has worked to prevent Iran from gaining a nuclear weapons capability in order to protect the security of the United States and our allies, including Israel. This policy approach led to the construction of a broad sanctions regime which pressured Iran to enter negotiations. We helped establish bipartisan opposition to the nuclear agreement with Iran and laid a strong foundation for future congressional action.

And in December 2016, Congress overwhelmingly voted to extend the Iran Sanctions Act (ISA) — a critical piece of bipartisan legislation that constitutes the core of U.S. sanctions against Iran. ISA’s renewal helps ensure that there are sanctions in place to “snap back” should Iran violate the nuclear deal.

Working Together to Achieve Peace

AIPAC supports America’s efforts to help Israel achieve peace with its neighbors. We strongly believe that direct negotiations supported by the United States offer the best chance for the sustainable peace which has eluded the region for decades. AIPAC supports efforts to bring Israel and her neighbors closer to that goal through direct, bilateral negotiations.

Defending Israeli Citizens From Terrorist Missile Attacks

AIPAC’s efforts have enhanced U.S.-Israel defense cooperation by securing hundreds of millions of dollars each year for key U.S.-Israel defense programs, including the Iron Dome, David’s Sling and Arrow missile defense systems.

Ensuring Israel’s Right to Self-Defense

As many around the world single out Israel when it acts to protect its citizens from terrorist attacks, AIPAC has backed dozens of congressional resolutions and statements of support for Israel’s right to self-defense. These efforts have helped keep Israel safe and send a strong message about America’s commitment to our ally.

Securing the U.S. Homeland

AIPAC plays a key role in advancing U.S.-Israel homeland security cooperation, by working to pass key legislation that supports joint research and development projects between the two countries.