The Center for Israel Education is holding an in-person Teen Israel Leadership Institute for the first time in more than three years, and we invite 15- to 18-year-olds within driving distance of Emory University’s main campus in Atlanta to join us for “A Survey of Israel@75.”
Center for Israel Education President Dr. Kenneth Stein, Emory professor emeritus of Middle Eastern history and Israel studies, and a team of experienced specialists in teen and young adult Israel education will provide the presentations and content. Topics will include understanding Zionism then and now, exploring Israeli diversity through music and pop culture, and developing and appreciating personal connections to Israel.
While the shift to remote learning enabled CIE to engage with more teens in half a dozen countries, that experience can’t match the education and camaraderie possible when dozens of students and educators gather together.
Teens of all educational and Jewish backgrounds are welcome. All will gain knowledge and skills for sharing that knowledge.
With CIE’s co-sponsors, Emory University’s Institute for the Study of Modern Israel and Jewish National Fund’s Boruchin Center, we are waiving all fees for this TILI.
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