An Outstretched Arm
Passover Seder
Friday, March 30, 6:30pm
We share the story of Passover and the plight of refugees around the world with our extended community.To keep costs down, we ask participants to bring an item for the seder plate and table. You can also sign up to help set tables and arrange items on seder plates.Please go to this page to sign
Vegetarian Catered dinner.
We must have your RSVP by March 21 for the caterer.Seating is limited. This event fills up so RSVP early.
* Bring a gift card to a grocery store and we will donate it to refugees in our community.
Why the pineapple:(from The Washingtonian)Along with typical elements like hard-boiled egg and bitter herbs, many are including pineapple on the Seder plate.Each item on the seder plate is meant to be a symbolic reminder of generations of bondage. The introduction of tropical fruit into the traditional Jewish meal is meant to as a reminder of modern-day oppressed peoples. “In American colonial times, the pineapple was a symbol of welcome and prosperity,” Rabbi Deborah Waxman, the president of Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, says in a YouTube video. “They were special gifts because of the great labor and expense required to ship them from the tropics. As we think about those in the midst of crossing through danger and into unknown lands, we aim to bestow upon them the gifts of hospitality and a sweet welcome.”
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Atlanta , GA 30329
$30.00 Member
$25.00 Children