We are pleased to welcome Jewish musician and educator Marni Loffman in concert, followed by Ma’ariv services and a communal Havdalah. Join us for this special night of song at Shearith Israel! The program will begin with a light, song-filled seudah shelishit. Register here.
7 pm Seudah Shelishit (light fare) with singing
8 pm Marni Loffman in Concert
9 pm Ma’ariv & Havdalah
Marni Loffman is a composer, musician, singer and ritual-leader with a love of community education and asking big questions. With a background in cultural anthropology, religion and international peacebuilding, Marni is often weaving social analysis with music making practices. How can music help us belong? How has music played a role in the construction of identity? What does this sound like? What does this feel like? Marni’s debut album, the long short path, releases on Rosh Chodesh (the new month) Elul in mid- August. the long short path is an invitation to pray from wherever you are on your journey, from a place of eternal wandering and continual arrival, from the paradox of belief, from desiring “traditional” sounds and also yearning for relevance, familiarity and meaning, from recognizing a kernel of truth everywhere but also knowing that no place contains the full picture. Listen to Marni’s debut single “tefilat haderech” on all streaming platforms. View Marni’s website and listen to her music HERE.
The program is presented by Congregation Shearith Israel, Ma’alot, Congregation Bet Haverim, and Neranenah.
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Atlanta, GA 30306
$ children 12 and under