Vision: To immerse our students in a blended learning environment in which each student is challenged. To prepare our students to become confident, engaged learners, and knowledgeable, committed leaders of our community.

Mission: We are a school focused on blended learning and language immersion taught by a talented, compassionate faculty and bolstered by cutting-edge technology.  We are a caring community that embraces partnership between family, home and school instilling a strong sense of identity and preparedness for higher education. We are an inclusive community guided by the principles of Conservative Judaism and the timeless values of our people.

School History:

In 1971, Rabbi Harry H. Epstein z”l the visionary leader of Ahavath Achim Synagogue dreamed of a Conservative Jewish day school that would embrace the core values of Judaism in a nurturing, compassionate, and stimulating environment. With that in mind, he called together a group of his synagogue leadership and shared his vision. Those leaders assembled envisioned a school with a reputation for academic excellence. The school, housed at the Ahavath Achim Synagogue, was founded in 1973 and remained there until 1986.

In 1987, the school moved to a new location in the metro Atlanta area of Sandy Springs. The school’s target audience was migrating with the Jewish population and school leaders understood that a move was necessary. The new site was originally a Fulton County school then called Underwood Hills Elementary. In 1994, The Epstein School purchased the building and began plans for renovation and expansion. 

One of the school’s strengths has been its ability to maintain stable leadership. Dr. Hirsh Jacobson z”l was the founding head of school and he was followed by Rabbi Zvi Shapiro. In 1983, Cheryl Finkel became head of school and continued in that role for 19 years. During her tenure, the school developed its identity as a dual-language school that was committed to academic excellence. In 2002, Stan Beiner was hired to replace Cheryl Finkel and completed 13 years with The Epstein School. The current head of school, David Abusch-Magder, PhD, has been in his role since 2015 and most recently led the school through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic to a place of strength and security. The school recently celebrated its 50th anniversary, is a respected leader in Jewish education in Atlanta, and serves 480 students ranging from infants to eighth grade.

Epstein has accreditation from the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS) and Cognia. It is also a beneficiary of the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, and holds membership in both Prizmah, The Center for Jewish Day Schools, and the Atlanta Area Association of Independent Schools (AAAIS).