The name Maos Chitim, which means “Money for Wheat” goes back to Talmudic days, when communities assumed the responsibility to provide Passover food to Jews in need. Maos Chitim should not be confused with Tzedakah. Even if one already has given to charity throughout the year, he or she is instructed to give, within one’s ability, to help others at Passover. How can we sit at our Seder table without having provided for those who truly need assistance so they too can have a Seder?

For over 50 years, a lay-led Maos Chitim Community Committee has collected money quietly to provide both funds and food to our community’s needy for Passover. We continue to experience an increase in the number of families needing assistance, and we don’t expect it to improve in the near future. We realize that the economic situation continues to present challenge for many people in our community and the families helped through the Maos Chitim Fund depend on our support.


In 2020, over $86,000 was given in 600 gift cards to individuals and families at $80 per person. In addition, 100 households received a bag with Kosher for Passover food.

Each of these programs rely on the generous support of individuals and our community partners.

Any new or increased gift made to the Maos Chitim Fund in 2022 will be matched $1 for $1 up to $25,000 through the generosity of Jan and Marsha Spector. Gifts can be made online at

“Food security is a basic human right. It saddens us to think there are Jews in Atlanta who are going hungry or have to choose between food or medicine or gas for their cars. At Purim, we learn of the ‘halachic imperative of matanot l’evyonim’ to give gifts to the poor…to make sure no one is hungry. That’s why we are partnering with Federation’s Jewish Education Collaborative and Jewish Family & Career Services to encourage our community members to collect food for the JF&CS Food Pantry,” Jan Spector said.

“Additionally, with Passover just six weeks away, we know more community members will need extra funds to purchase Passover food items. We have created a ‘Feed the Hungry Challenge Match’ – we will match $1 for $1 up to $25,000, contributions made between Purim and Pesach to Maos Chitim or JF&CS’s Food Pantry fund,” Marsha Spector generously offered.

“Our hope is that together, we will shine a light on the issue of food insecurity in our Atlanta Jewish community and how we can eliminate it!” she said.

Donate to the Food Pantry

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