MJCCA Book Fest – Rosanne Leipzig, MD & Fayne Frey, MD

November 8, 2023 Atlanta $10.00 - $15.00
CAL_1108 Rosanne Leipzig, MD & Fayne Frey, MD Oct 31

The 32nd Edition of the Book Festival of the MJCCA Presents
Rosanne Leipzig, MD, Honest Aging: An Insider’s Guide to the Second Half of Life, and
Fayne L. Frey, MD, The Skin­care Hoax: How You’re Being Tricked Into Buy­ing Lotions, Potions & Wrinkle Cream


In Conversation with Holly Firfer, Local Atlanta Media Personality


Author Talk, Q & A & Book Signing


Rosanne Leipzig, Honest Aging


From Dr. Rosanne M. Leipzig, a top doc­tor with more than 35 years of expe­ri­ence car­ing for old­er peo­ple, Hon­est Aging is an indis­pens­able guide to the sec­ond half of life, describ­ing what to expect phys­i­cal­ly, psy­cho­log­i­cal­ly, func­tion­al­ly, and emo­tion­al­ly as you age. Leipzig, an expert in evi­dence-based geri­atrics, high­lights how 80-year-olds dif­fer from 60-year-olds and why know­ing this is impor­tant for your health. With can­dor, humor, and empa­thy, this book will pro­vide you with the knowl­edge and prac­ti­cal advice to opti­mize aging. The book helps you rec­og­nize age-relat­ed changes in your body and mind and under­stand what’s typ­i­cal with aging and what’s not.


Hon­est Aging pro­vides guid­ance for com­mon health con­cerns, includ­ing prob­lems with mem­o­ry, ener­gy, mood, sleep, weight, sex, and more. Leipzig shares advice on how to make deci­sions about health care, dri­ving, and where to live, and she includes help­ful check­lists and lists of med­ica­tions to pre­pare for doc­tor and hos­pi­tal vis­its. Enriched by illus­tra­tions, patient sto­ries, and deep dives into sci­ence and the lat­est research, Hon­est Aging gives you the tools to take con­trol of your health and well-being as you age.




Rosanne M. Leipzig, MD, PhD is the Ger­ald and May Ellen Rit­ter Pro­fes­sor and Vice Chair Emer­i­tus for the Brook­dale Depart­ment of Geri­atrics and Pal­lia­tive Med­i­cine at the Icahn School of Med­i­cine at Mount Sinai. She is the edi­tor-in-chief of the month­ly newslet­ter Focus on Healthy Aging and coed­i­tor of the fourth edi­tion of Geri­atric Med­i­cine.


Fayne Frey, The Skincare Hoax


The Skin­care Hoax is an exposé on the mar­ket­ing tac­tics used that get us all to buy over-the-counter skin­care. It will make you rethink every­thing you know about skin­care. You’ll learn about the well-kept secrets of the skin­care indus­try, how media ads influ­ence our buy­ing deci­sions and get rec­om­men­da­tions for effec­tive prod­ucts and sim­ple skin­care reg­i­mens that are easy and affordable.




Dr. Fayne Frey is a New York based, Ivy League trained, board-cer­ti­fied der­ma­tol­o­gist, a skin­care con­sul­tant, and a nation­al­ly rec­og­nized expert in the effec­tive­ness and for­mu­la­tion of over-the-counter skin­care prod­ucts. She is founder of Fry​Face​.com an edu­ca­tion­al skin­care infor­ma­tion and prod­uct selec­tion ser­vice web­site that clar­i­fies and sim­plifies the over­whelm­ing choice of effec­tive, safe, and afford­able prod­ucts encoun­tered in the skin­care aisles. She is a con­trib­u­tor to and on the edi­to­r­i­al board of 50PlusToday, a top-rat­ed online senior lifestyle mag­a­zine.




Holly Firfer is the Vice President of Programming and Development and an on-air Anchor and Correspondent at Reach TV Networks. She has also worked for CNN and CBS Radio.


Books will be available for purchase on the day of the event from our partner bookseller, A Cappella Books!

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Fact Sheet
Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta
5342 Tilly Mill Rd
Atlanta, GA 30338
$10.00 Member Ticket
$15.00 Community Ticket
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