Dr. Paul Fernhoff Ethics in Science Program Lecture

October 11, 2015 Atlanta

Join Atlanta Jewish Academy as Dr. Arri Eisen inaugurates what is planned as an annual lecture in memory of Dr. Paul Fernhoff by discussing “The Convergence of Science and Religion.” Arri Eisen is a professor of pedagogy in biology at Emory University; he is also the teaching coordinator for FIRST, a National Institutes of Health-supported postdoctoral fellowship program in research and teaching. Eisen received his undergraduate degree in 1985 in biology with honors from UNC-Chapel Hill and his doctorate in biochemistry from the University of Washington in Seattle in 1990. He has been teaching at Emory since then and joined the Center for Ethics at Emory in the late 1990s, where his main responsibilities include teaching the NIH-required “Responsible Conduct in Research” course for Emory science graduate students and developing programming in bioethics for undergraduates and masters students. With Gary Laderman and David Lynn, he brought two unique science, education and ethics postdoctoral fellows into the center with funds from the Emory Strategic Initiative in Religions and the Human Spirit. Eisen publishes in the peer-reviewed literature in science, science education and bioethics, as well as in the popular literature through such avenues as his regular column on science and religion in ReligionDispatches.org.

We are honored and proud to introduce the Paul M. Fernhoff Program of Ethics in STEM, which integrates questions and discussion of ethical challenges and decisions into the AJA STEM curriculum. The program is sponsored by the Fernhoff family in memory of Dr. Paul M. Fernhoff, a renowned Emory/CDC geneticist.

For more information or to register, click here or select “Upcoming Events” on the main page at www.atljewishacademy.org.

Price: free

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Fact Sheet
Sunday, October 11, 2015, 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Atlanta Jewish Academy
5200 Northland Dr
Atlanta, GA 30342
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