Not really a “Minyan,” but an afternoon of fun on Shabbat! Join Cub Scout Pack 1818 at the Marcus Jewish Community Center for a fun-filled Shabbat afternoon of games, songs, fun, and food as we have a festive “Minions”-themed meet & greet! Learn about Cub Scouting and how our Pack is “Scouting with a Jewish Twist.” Plus, learn about our August build-a-boat & Raingutter Regatta race! For boys and girls, grades K-5 and their parents.
Fact Sheet
Saturday, June 4, 2022, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
* Registration closes on June 4th at 12:00 pm
* Registration closes on June 4th at 12:00 pm
Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta
5342 Tilly Mill Rd
Atlanta, GA 30338
5342 Tilly Mill Rd
Atlanta, GA 30338
Organized By