“Shabbat Together” is open to single, married, or partnered Jews with or without children (though these are adult-only dinners). Six dinners are scheduled for the first half of 2018 – January 19, February 2, March 16, April 6, May 18, and June 29. The events will begin at 7 P.M. at different host’s homes.
The dinners create a comfortable entry to Shabbat and help young people new to town, or unaffiliated with a synagogue, to experience Judaism in a home environment and to build community. Host duties will rotate and involves inviting friends to a Shabbat dinner that is warm, inviting and full of ritual, spirituality, rich discussion and great food. In addition, there will be rabbinic presence and guidance with Rabbis Max and Rachael Miller.
To register or to learn more about this program, please contact:
Rabbi Max Miller at mmiller@templeemanuelatlanta.com or Rabbi Rachael Miller at rkmiller@templeemanuelatlanta.com.
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