I received a “Happy Story” this morning, observed “Happy Leadership” yesterday, celebrated “Happy Involvement” of new young women, cheered “Happy FUNdraising” for Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO)’s neurological diseases – ALS, MS, Parkinson and Alzheimer’s, and collaborated with two very Happy co-chairs for BEST Strokes, celebrating A.R.T. Awareness, Research and Treatment of breast and ovarian cancer survivors – men and women!
Writers interviewed, listened and captured Happy Stories of breast and ovarian cancer survivors’ courage, compassion, challenge and triumph. We will be sharing these stories in digital and written media over the next four months. Please read Happy Stories and share on FaceBook. You will feel so much more happy for sharing.
Get happy with Hadassah Greater Atlanta Emerging leaders – Happy Leaders emerged! We see these Hadassah Greater Atlanta leaders everywhere. They are leaders at Group leadership, Challah Bake and Paint Day. Look for the women with increased confidence, poise and focus – they are your new leaders!
Visions come true. Membership envisioned Happy Involved young women engaged in their passions with like-minded women. Indeed, we saw Happy Involvement of women of all ages when Hadassah Greater Atlanta and Hadassah EVOLVE partnered at Challah Bake and young women thrived at Hadassah’s Escape event – the first of many Hadassah evolve events. Get involved with Hadassah EVOLVE!
There is Happy in our future. Almost Chopped, Hadassah’s IncrEDIBLE Cooking Competition is Happy FUNdraising in full force. Four chef-testants with their sous chef and runners are poised to compete in the kitchen and fundraising. Four professional chefs are excited about judging that Happy FUNdraising. Now we need you – become a sponsor, buy your tickets, cheer your favorite chef-testant team, donate/support your preferred neurological disease. See you January 21 for very Happy.
There is more Happy to come. Best Strokes 2018 celebrates breast and ovarian cancer survivors – promoting their stories, educating healthcare professionals and Celebrating Happy Lives. We are changing lives with A.R.T. – Awareness, Research and Treatment. You will be happy that you joined us as a volunteer, guest, patron or sponsor.
As 2017 winds down, Hadassah Greater Atlanta has so much about which to be Happy. Please celebrate with us for Chapter Installation and 2017 Centennial Leadership Institute Graduation on Sunday, December 10, 2017.
Wishing you a Chanukah filled with light and wonder and a great start to 2018.
Sheila Dalmat, President, Hadassah Greater Atlanta
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