September 10, 2019 Snellville $10.00


WHAT WILL YOU LEAVE YOUR FAMILY?  Elder Law specialists Brannon-Napier LLC will be at Temple Beth David (1885 McGee Rd., Snellville) on Tuesday, September 10 at 7:00pm to discuss preparing the various documents important to seniors and families with older parents: Wills, trusts, powers of attorney, advanced directives for health care and other options to protect your estate while ensuring that your wishes are known and followed. If time permits, they will include a brief discussion of 2019 Medicaid and Veterans Benefits Planning.

MORE THAN POSSESSIONS: Rabbi Jesse Charyn, TBD’s newly installed religious leader, will also discuss preparing your Ethical Will: A spiritual journey through your life – the personal and religious heritage you have passed to your family, the true gift of love you leave to them.

There will be time for questions and answers for both segments.

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Fact Sheet
Tuesday, September 10, 2019, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Temple Beth David
1885 Mc Gee Rd SW
Snellville, GA 30078
Organized By
$10.00 per person

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