Join Emory University’s Tam Institute for Jewish Studies (TIJS) in celebrating the publication of TIJS affiliated faculty member Jason Francisco’s book, “Alive and Destroyed: A Meditation on the Holocaust in Time,” published by Daylight Book.Francisco, Emory University Film and Media Studies Associate Professor, will be in conversation with Kevin Karnes, Associate Dean for the Arts in Emory College. Moderating the event will be Kate Rosenblatt, the Jay and Leslie Cohen Assistant Professor of Religion and Jewish Studies.The Holocaust as history ended seventy-five years ago, about the span of a full human life; the Holocaust as culture is very much of the present, its meanings and lessons still actively in formation. For twenty-five years, Francisco has wrestled with the afterlife of the genocide, creating a large number of photoworks and essays, including extensive work with the Galicia Jewish Museum in Kraków, Poland. At the center of his work has been his long-term project “Alive and Destroyed: A Meditation on the Holocaust in Time,” begun in 2010.With a large format camera and antique lenses, Francisco has undertaken a series of deep journeys extending from Berlin in the west to Kharkov in the east, Riga in the north to Bucharest in the south―for the sake of images that might carry the complications of remembering and forgetting in the places where the events we collectively call the Holocaust occurred.Signed copies of “Alive and Destroyed” are available from Jason Francisco at the regular price of $50. A signed book plus an original signed pigment print made by the artist is available for $125. A deluxe edition of a signed book plus ten original signed prints is available for $500. Please contact Jason Francisco directly at jfranc9@emory.edu for all purchases.
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