What is the Atlanta Jewish Times’ 40 Under 40?
Members of the community nominate who they believe are the Jewish Atlanta’s rising leaders in business, philanthropy, education, religion, community action, and are under the age of 40.
A nominee must be Jewish, be at least 25 years old and must not have turned 40 before July 12, 2019. You can nominate yourself, a client, a friend, a peer, your boss; anyone who meets the criteria.
The judges will review and make a final decision. The Atlanta Jewish Times’ 40 under 40 nominees are judged on their business success and their achievements as an active member of Jewish Atlanta.
Those that are selected must make themselves available for interview and photo shoot. Attending the gala is not required but highly encouraged.
Nominations will begin May 10, 2019 and will go through June 21, 2019
Nominate Your Jewish ATL 40 Under 40 HERE
What is the deadline for nominations?
Friday, June 21, 2019.
Can I fax or mail in my nomination?
No. Only submissions that come to us via the form below will be accepted.
Can I call you to make sure you got my e-mail?
We receive hundreds of nominations each year. Please resist the urge to make follow-up calls.
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