Edit Email Tweet Share MJCCA & The GA Parkinson’s Foundation Presents a Parkinson’s Awareness Seminar Feb 17, 9:30 pm Free
Edit Email Tweet Share JECCA Kallah 2025: Growing with Purpose Feb 17, 8:30 am Temple Sinai, Atlanta $36
Edit Email Tweet Share Comedy for Peace Feb 16, 7:00 pm Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta, Atlanta $22
Edit Email Tweet Share Jazz Fest: Gary Motley Trio w/ David Sánchez, saxophone Up Next: Feb 13, 12:30 pm Emory University, Schwartz Center for Performing Arts, Atlanta $30
Edit Email Tweet Share Scholar in Residence Dovid Taub Up Next: Feb 14, 6:00 pm Chabad Intown On The Beltline, Atlanta Free
Edit Email Tweet Share Music & Play Up Next: Jan 10, 11:00 am The Alfred & Adele Davis Academy, Atlanta $30
Edit Email Tweet Share The Sounds of Jewish America Up Next: 11/14/2024, 5:30 pm The Dupree, Sandy Springs
Edit Email Tweet Share Tu B’Shvat Celebration Feb 13, 5:00 pm Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta, Atlanta Free
Edit Email Tweet Share Or Nashim Tu Bishvat Seder Feb 13, 1:00 pm Congregation Or Hadash, Sandy Springs Free
Edit Email Tweet Share An Evening In Conversation with Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch Feb 11, 6:30 pm Congregation B'nai Torah, Sandy Springs $18
2/17/2025 Edit Hidden Wisdom in the Torah’s Laws of Torts and Damages Parshat Mishpatim 5785; Exodus 21:1-24:18 By Rabbiyonatan28
2/10/2025 Edit Honoring Parents: A Bridge Between Heaven and Earth Parshat Yitro 5785; Exodus 18:1-20:23 By Rabbiyonatan28
2/4/2025 Edit Faith in Action: Four Responses to Life’s Challenges Parshat Beshalach 5785, Genesis 13:17-17:15 Dedicated to the memory of Alan H. Friedman, may his Soul ascend to the highest place in Heaven By Rabbiyonatan28
1/28/2025 Edit Light in the Darkness: A Lesson in Human Connection Parshat Bo 5785, Exodus 10:1-13:16 By Rabbiyonatan28
1/21/2025 Edit The Stubborn Pharaoh Within: Why Knowing Isn’t Enough for Real Change Parshat Va’era (Exodus: 6:2-9:35) By Rabbiyonatan28
1/5/2025 Edit The Pathway to Liberation from Unproductive Guilt Parshat Vayechi 5785; Genesis 47:28-50:26 By Rabbiyonatan28
12/29/2024 Edit Keep Your Eye on the Ball Parshat Vayigash 5785, Genesis 44:18-47:27 By Rabbiyonatan28
12/22/2024 Edit Everything Has a Purpose A Taste of Torah for this week's Torah portion, Parshat Mikeitz (Genesis 41:1-44:17) By Rabbiyonatan28
12/15/2024 Edit Every Challenge is Divinely Orchestrated A Taste of Torah for this week's Torah Portion: Parshat Vayeshev, 5785 (Genesis 37:1-40:23) By Rabbiyonatan28
12/15/2024 Edit Blessed Beyond Merit A Taste of Torah for this week's Torah Portion: Parshat Vahishlach, 5785 Genesis 32:4–36:43 By Rabbiyonatan28
11/13/2024 Edit No Man is an Island A Taste of Torah for this week's Torah Portion: Parshat Vayera, 5785 Genesis 18:1–22:24 By Rabbiyonatan28
11/12/2020 City Within a City By Marcia Caller Jaffe Towering construction on Howell Mill, Parisian-themed Corso prepares for spring opening for the 65+ demographic. Amenities are a luxuriant “oolalalah” with a practical twist.