Tzedek Georgia Lobby Day
Georgia State Capitol
Thursday, February 22, 2018
9:00am – 12:00pm
Coverdell Legislative Office Building
18 Capitol Sq. SW
Room 415
Atlanta, GA 30334
We will teach you how to effectively influence Legislators, explain the issues that we support or oppose and why we care. We will guide you on the best steps to help to pass or stop legislation.
2018 Legislative Agenda
HB 660 – Hate Crimes (Support)
HB 488 / SB 119 – Comprehensive Civil Rights (Support)
HB 10: Prohibit possession and sale of assault weapons (Support)
HB 651: Prohibit possession and sale of Bump Stocks (Support)
HB 188 / SB 7 – Medicaid Expansion
HB 159 – Child Adoption (Support if it does not contain the discriminatory same sex amendment)
Directions via MARTA (GA State station):
Exit at the Piedmont Avenue exit. Turn left walk to the Capitol. Walk past the Capitol Building. Turn right at the first traffic light. Enter the Coverdell Legislative Office Building across from the Capitol. The security guard post will require a valid photo I.D. to enter.
Parking Directions if you choose to drive:
The entrance to the parking deck is on Jesse Hill Jr. Drive, immediately after the pedestrian bridge (Pete Hackney Garage, $5.00 per day). Once parked, take the elevator or stairs to the 5th level of the parking deck which has the entrance to the pedestrian bridge. The pedestrian bridge will take you over Jesse Hill Jr. Drive and into the Butler Parking Deck. In the Butler Parking Deck take the elevator or stairs to the 3rd level. Take the bridge into the Floyd Building. Exit at the Piedmont Avenue exit. Turn left walk to the Capitol. Walk past the Capitol Building. Turn right at the first traffic light. Enter the Coverdell Legislative Office Building across from the Capitol using the far right doors. The security guard post will require a valid photo I.D. to enter.
18 Capitol Sq. SW, Room 415
Atlanta, GA 30334