Join us at the Stave Room for the 20th Anniversary of The Tasting!
25+ of Atlanta’s top chef’s culinary creations
200 + wines & spirits to sample
EVENT CO-CHAIRS: Robin Feldman & Chuck Edelberg and Amy Fingerhut & Kevin Blate
HONORARY CHAIRS: Pearlann & Jerry Horowitz, Michelle L. & Scott Horowitz and Michelle Horowitz
SPONSORSHIP CO-CHAIR: Amy Rosen and Arin Tritt
SPONSORSHIP COMMITTEE: Andrew Katz, Sheri Kornblum, Sheri Panovka, Mechal Perl, and Samantha Sater
AUCTION CO-CHAIRS: Michelle Bank and Sharon Wolf
AUCTION COMMITTEE: Dale Dyer, Tali Knauer, Mechal Perl, and Rachael Rosenberg
LOGISTICS COMMITTEE: Zane Blechner, Rochelle Moss, and Denise Rindsberg
Join us for this not to be missed event and sample culinary creations from 20+ acclaimed restaurants and 200+ awarded wines, beers, and spirits. Bid on dining and sports experiences, vacations, vintage wines, and other unique items at our famous Silent Auction.
The Zimmerman-Horowitz Independent Living Program is a non-sectarian JF&CS program that helps individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and caregivers.
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199 Armour Dr NE
Atlanta, GA 30324
$125.00 Per person at the door