The Atlanta Israel Coalition, in partnership with the Consulate General of Israel to the Southeastern U.S., the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, Herut, and the Evans Family Foundation, presents Re-Discovering the Land of Israel, a series of five virtual tours of Israel with tour guide David Sussman.
You may register for all five tours or just pick specific tours. Register at https://bit.ly/TourIsrael-AIC.
Sunday, March 21st @ 10 am – The Biblical Heartland of Gush Etzion: This tour includes the Path of the Patriarchs, an ancient mikvah, biblical agriculture, Roman roads, and stunning landscapes
Sunday, April 25th @10 am – The Holy City of Hebron: Tour the tombs of our Patriarchs and Matriarchs, the ancient stairs and city gates where Abraham purchased the cave to bury Sarah, 1st & 2nd Temple period ruins, we will meet a soldier, and discover the modern development of Hebron
Sunday, May 23rd @10 am – The Artist Colony of Tzfat: Let’s walk the winding ally ways of this mystical city together as we tour the city of Kabbalah. We will visit important synagogues, meet local artists, learn about Jewish mysticism from a leading Rabbi, and delve into its history both ancient and modern.
Sunday, June 6th @10 am – The Old and the New in Tel Aviv/Jaffa: Described as the city that never sleeps, Tel Aviv is Israel’s financial capital. Let’s discover its roots, beaches, diversity, and the place where Israel’s independence was discovered.
Sunday, June 27th @10 am – The Golan Heights: One of Israel’s most scenic areas. It boasts extinct volcanoes, Israel’s largest mountain, sits along the border of Israel, and has a rich Jewish history. This episode will feature Major Ya’akov Selevan who will discuss with us the political climate of the Golan Heights.
+ More... - Less...Sunday, April 25, 2021, 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Sunday, June 27, 2021, 10:00 am - 11:30 am