Pikuach Nefesh (Saving a Life) at School and Beyond

August 8, 2024 Sandy Springs Free

As school’s swinging back into session and students are getting ready to head off to college and other gap year programs, Rabbi Lauren and Joel are offering a program for teens and young adults in our community and beyond to learn about harm reduction and how to reverse an opioid overdose and potentially save a life – the highest value in Jewish tradition (pikuach nefesh).

All teens 16 years old and up and young adults are invited to join us on Thursday, August 8th from 7:30pm-9pm at Or Hadash, and highly encouraged to bring their friends too. Everyone who attends will receive a Narcan kit, fentanyl test strips, and drink cover. We’ll serve a light nosh.

Please RSVP to let us know who will be attending. If you are not able to make it on August 8, please reach out to Joel at jdworkin@jfcsatl.org and he will make sure your teen has Narcan and knows how to use it.

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Fact Sheet
Thursday, August 8, 2024, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Congregation Or Hadash
7460 Trowbridge Road
Sandy Springs, GA 30328
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