Mini Cubs: Tu B’Av A Celebration of Love

July 11, 2021 Atlanta Free
CAL_ Mini Cubs Tu B'Av A Celebration of Love July 15

Love is in the air! Tu B’Av, the Jewish Day of Love, is an ancient, joyous holiday marked with dancing and festivity. Today, Tu B’Av is celebrated with loved ones and togetherness. Celebrate with Mini Cubs (ages 0-2) outdoors in the beautiful Nature Sanctuary as little ones and their caregivers enjoy a hands-on musical experience showcasing songs of love then creating their own Tu B’Av keepsake.
The program will take place outdoors at The Davis Academy’s Nature Sanctuary. Registration will be limited to 8 families.

Fact Sheet
Sunday, July 11, 2021, 10:00 am - 10:45 am
The Alfred & Adele Davis Academy
8105 Roberts Dr
Atlanta, GA 30350
Organized By

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