Ginna Green is a Fellow of the Kogod Research Center at the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America. She is a political strategist, writer and consultant, and, until June 2020, the Chief Strategy Officer at Bend the Arc: Jewish Action. There, she led the work of the communications, advocacy, electoral, rapid response and racial equity teams from 2018-2020, a period of unprecedented white nationalism, antisemitism and authoritarianism in American life.
Prior to Bend the Arc, Ginna was Managing Director of the Democracy Collaborative at ReThink Media. At ReThink she strengthened the communications capacity of groups working on money in politics, fair and diverse courts, and voting rights. Before joining ReThink, Ginna worked at the Center for Responsible Lending for several years, including during the Great Recession and foreclosure crisis, and worked to pass the California Homeowner Bill of Rights and the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. She has also worked for Full Court Press Communications, The OpEd Project, SPIN Academy, and the South Carolina Appleseed Legal Justice Center.
Ginna is a frequent speaker and writer on democracy, race, racism in the Jewish community, Jewish community diversity, and leadership, and has been published in the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, Salon, and more. Ginna sits on the boards of Women’s March, Political Research Associates, the Jews of Color Initiative and Bend the Arc: Jewish Action. An alum of the Jeremiah Fellowship and the Selah Leadership Program, and a 2019 Schusterman Fellow, Ginna is a native southerner and the mother of four amazing kids.
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