Grab your evening bags (Leiber or not) and join Hadassah Greater Atlanta Metulla Group! The Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU honors Holocaust survivor-turned-megadesigner Judith Leiber’s life, work and legacy. Leiber’s work transcends fashion. Her bags are true objects of art. Alongside photographs of Leiber and her work, the ornately beaded bags that are on display date back to her first designs in the 1960s through 1993, “This exhibition tells the story of a fearless woman ahead ofher time. Her innovative bags, called minaudières, continue to inspire designers the world over to think out of the box – in this case the metal bag!To register go to: https://hadassahhub.wufoo.com/forms/zlgxm5b05wp64d/
Proceeds to benefit the purchase of a pediatric incubator for the neo-natal unit at Hadassah Hospital Ein KeremQuestions: Barbara Lang at barbphlang@aol.com