Hadassah Greater Atlanta – Ketura Group
The Journey to Becoming The Jew I am Today!
Featured panelists: Esther Low: from Lima, Peru where she was a member of 1870 Synagogue & current member of Etz Chaim Synagogue in Marietta; Kalyn Davis: Jewish by choice & active member at Temple Sinai; Erin Mermelstein: Native Atlantan, Family Law Attorney & active member of Congregation Ariel & Jewish Woman’s Renaissance Project; Panel Moderator: Rabbi Joshua Heller of Congregation B’nai Torah. Via Zoom To register, go to: https://hadassahhub.wufoo.com/forms/z1urvz4v1qg2hto/
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Thursday, May 20, 2021, 7:15 pm - 9:15 pm
Organized By
$10.00 per person