Hadassah Greater Atlanta Health Professionals Group invites you to an Important healthcare educational event via Zoom:Advance Care PlanningAdditional Options for Georgians
What is a Georgia Advance Directive for Healthcare & a Georgia POLST (Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment)?Have you and your loved ones completed both of these Georgia documents?Do you understand why everyone needs both documents?As Ellen Goodman, co-founder of The Conversation Project, says: “It’s always too soon until it’s too late” to complete these documents and have a meaningful conversation about your medical wishes with your loved ones and physician.Join us for this important event, presented by Ronnie Genser, President of Bereavement Navigators, a Hadassah Life Member, and a member of Greater Atlanta Health Professionals. A 23-page handout with instructions will be sent to all registered attendees prior to the event. To register, go to: