Rosenwald Panel Discussion
Hadassah Greater Atlanta invites you to a panel Discussion of The Rosenwald Documentary, the remarkable story of a Jewish partnership with African American communities. Watch the documentary and then join us for a Zoom Panel Discussion. To register, go to: https://hadassahhub.wufoo.com/forms/z18d96n11gjj5p8/
Once registered, you will receive a link to watch the Rosenwald Documentary on your own, only available for viewing for 4 days,(Sunday, April 11 at 10:00 AM – Wednesday April 14 at midnight)& the Zoom link for the Panel Discussion on April 15thThursday, April 15th Zoom Panel Discussion: Moderator – Janis Plotkin, founding member San Francisco Jewish Film Festival Aviva Kempner, Filmmaker Dr. Evelyn Causey, National Register Coordinator, Alabama Historical Commission Guy Trammel, Tuskegee Historic Preservation Commission, Macon Stories founder Peter Ascoli, Rosenwald’s grandson & Biographer E. Ethelbert Miller, Writer & literary activist, Host of ON THE MARGIN (WPFW 89.3 FM)In Partnership with Education Equity Project