CONTEST: The Letters Project: Conversing Across Narratives

May 17, 2021 Free
Letters Project Spring 2021 - JCRC_AIC IG_FB 3

The Atlanta Israel Coalition is excited to announce our partnership with the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas (JCRC) in promoting a letter-writing contest called The Letters Project: Conversing Across Narratives based on Yossi Klein Halevi’s book, Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor: With an Extensive Epilogue of Palestinian Responses.

The Letters Project is a powerful way to engage young (and older) adults in learning and creative thinking about the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The contest runs through May 17, 2021
The contest culminates in JCRC-facilitated Zoom conversations to which the author Yossi Klein Halevi and participants are invited. The Zoom conversations will take place before the winners are announced.

This contest is open to everyone ages 14 and up and the 500-to-700 word letter can be written from the perspective of the entrant or an imagined Palestinian or Israeli perspective. The intention of this project is to encourage a conversation across narratives and to grapple with complexity.

Information about the contest, including writing prompts and judging criteria, as well as the submission portal, is available at

Three prizes will be awarded:

  • Best Overall $360
  • Two Excellence in Analysis Awards ($180 each)

The Atlanta Israel Coalition has a limited number of copies of the book to give to groups that encourage participation. Other entrants can submit their receipt for reimbursement via the contest page‘s submission portal.

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Fact Sheet
Every day (all day)Last event on May 17, 2021

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