Join Chabad Intown and the Intown Jewish Academy for Shabbaton and Scholars in Residence.
Friday Night
5:15 PM Services
6:00 PM Spirited and delicious Shabbat Dinner
Featured Talk; Rabbi Chanan Rose
Dreams: A Dialogue – Learning How To Listen
Shabbat Morning
9:15 AM Chasidus with Rabbi Chanan
10:00 AM Services
12:15 PM Kiddush Luncheon
Featured Talk; Mrs. Chaya Rose
Shabbos Kiddush: Dreams, Mazal, And Moshiach.
10:00 AM Bagel Breakfast +
Kabbalah and Coffee; The Kabbalah of Dreams
With Chaya Rose
Dreams: A Dialogue – Learning How To Listen
The Parsha of Vayeishev opens and closes with accounts surrounding Joseph and dreams. The tradition emphasizes their importance, noting that the entire Exodus experience is ultimately born out of Joseph’s dreams, as well as his interpretations.
Over Shabbat, we will explore a number of questions, including:
- What are the traditions and teachings about dreams and their interpretations?
- What is the nature of dreams, are they to be taken seriously, can they provide insight or illumination?
- What are practical lessons we can derive from such an abstract topic, such as dreams?
Friday Night, we will set the stage, laying the foundation to understand the Jewish approach to dreams. We will discuss the history, as well as traditional approaches to dreams and their interpretations, and we will explore different arenas of practical applications.
On Shabbat Morning, we will apply the tools and insights we gained from last night’s discussion to understand the first dream narrative of the Parsha, exploring the Wheat and the Stars. We will conclude our discussion with real world take-aways to infuse and enrich our relationship with Judaism and Jewish tradition.
Torah Insights:
Incomplete Peace
Empty Pit – Negativity Vacuum
The Lion’s Roar
Shabbat Kiddush: Dreams, Mazal, And Moshiach. We will discuss our collective dreams, the interplay between dreams and reality, and how Judaism infuses our ability to transcend natural limitations, to actualize the ultimate redemption.
Sunday Kabbalah and Coffee: Torah Or D”H Shir HaMaalos – The Kaballah of Dreams
Rabbi Chanan Rose was raised in San Francisco, CA, where he began to explore Judaism in high school, and after graduating he travelled around the world to study in different Jewish institutions. Ordained in Pretoria, South Africa in 2012, he specializes in Jewish Mysticism and philosophy with ongoing research in Jewish methodology of meditation, prayer, transformation, and spiritual practice. He currently teaches and counsels at the T’shuvah Center, a Jewish recovery organization based in New York.
Mrs. Chaya Rose was raised in Cleveland, Ohio, where her family founded Chabad of Cleveland Heights. She is passionate about learning by sharing with others, seeking meaning through dialogue, and exploring the texts of Talmud, Kaballah, and Jewish law through the lens of the human experience.
*In ancient Israel, every seventh year was a Shemitah (“sabbatical”) year. At the onset of the eighth year (the first in the new seven-year cycle), on the second day of the holiday of Sukkot, all would gather in the Holy Temple for a dose of inspiration. This event was known as Hakhel, “assemble!” It was the only event that required the attendance of every Jew, reminiscent of the historic moment when our nation stood at Mount Sinai, when every member of our nation was present when G d lovingly gave us the Torah. Once the entire nation had gathered, the king, situated on a specially constructed platform in the Temple’s courtyard, read aloud several portions from the Torah. This year is a “Hakhel Year”. It is an opportune time to promote Jewish unity and gatherings.
+ More... - Less...Saturday, December 17, 2022, 9:15 am - 2:00 pm
From Sunday, December 18, 2022 am31 10:00 am
Until Thursday, January 1, 1970 am31 12:00 am
730 Ponce De Leon Pl NE
Atlanta, GA 30306