China, Japan, even Thailand are popular Asian destinations for U.S. travelers. However, tucked in Southeast Asia is fascinating and – alas! – often overlooked, the Kingdom of Cambodia, which offers rich, interesting, and beautiful multi-layered experiences to fulfill any curious voyager. Let trip leader James Sokol zoom you off, across the time zones to join our terrific, local, professional guide Tek (live in Cambodia) on our “visits” to his fabulous country.The Great Angkor Civilization (Aug 2)Cambodia’s most famous attraction is undoubtedly Angkor Wat – the largest religious monument in the world! At the center of current national pride and of an ancient advanced culture, the majestic structure dates back to the 12th-century. However, it is only one of some 72 major buildings and the remains of several hundred other minor sites scattered throughout the 150-sq. mile landscape. Today, join Tek to learn about this UNSECO World Heritage Site and the glorious Khmer Empire!The Pagoda & Spiritual Life – A Local’s Perspective (Aug 9)Spiritual practice is an important, integrated part of life in Cambodia as seen in the vast number of sites throughout the country where ceremonies & rituals occur daily. Although many religions including Christianity, Islam & tribal animism exist in Cambodia, over 97% of the population practices Theravada Buddhism. See and learn about Cambodian pagodas – different than those in China or Japan. – as Tek takes you on our group visit and shares insights into his personal practices.Phnom Penh – Vibrant Capital, Turbulent History (Aug 16)Since the French colonization of Cambodia, Phnom Penh has been the capital of Cambodia and, in the 1920s, was considered “one of the loveliest French-built cities in Indochina.” Today, Tek takes us on a guided visit of “his” city – once nicknamed, the “Pearl of Asia” – as we visit some of its stunning sites, learn about its dark history, and see how it is flourishing today.Traditional Wedding Customs (Aug 23)Don’t miss our final “visit” as Tek invites us into his life as he shares photos, stories, and explanations of his traditional Cambodian wedding. Learn about the customs and symbolism of these colorful 3-day/3-night celebrations comprised of many ceremonies, music, meals, gifts & guests.
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